Important Information:Welcome to my lost pet reunited website! Created as a demonstration for skills learned in my website building course, this platform showcases my dedication to leveraging technology for the greater good. Join me in my mission to reunite lost pets with their families!

Hi Everyone! As a college student with a deep love for animals and a passion for web development, I'm thrilled to share our latest project with you. Over the course of my studies, I've poured my heart into honing my skills, and this website is a culmination of that dedication.

With each line of code and design choice, I've strived to showcase not only my technical abilities but also my commitment to making a difference in the world. This platform isn't just about reuniting lost pets—it's a testament to the power of innovation and compassion.

Overall, I'm thrilled to share that i've launched a new page on my website as part of my web development class. This latest addition represents my progress in my learning journey and showcases the skills I've hones throughout the course. From coding to design, every aspect of this new page refelcts the knowledge and expertise I've gained. I'm excited to see my new website continue to grow and evolve.

What's new this week?

This week in CGS2820 we are focusing primarily on building a newsletter for our existing webpages. As I progress through this course I find the projects becoming more challenging yet fun and engaging. I'm excited to share with you all the project I have been working on recently.During my time in the website building course, I immersed myself in learning the ins and outs of web development, fueled by my passion for technology and community engagement. As I honed my skills, I couldn't help but think of ways to apply them to make a meaningful difference. That's when the idea of creating a website for lost pets took shape. Combining my newfound knowledge with my love for animals, I embarked on a mission to build a platform that could help reunite lost pets with their families. It's been an incredibly rewarding journey, filled with challenges and triumphs, but knowing that I'm using my skills to contribute to the well-being of our furry friends makes it all worthwhile. Overall, I'm thrilled to share that i've launched a new page on my website as part of my web development class. This latest addition represents my progress in my learning journey and showcases the skills I've hones throughout the course.

From coding to design...

Every aspect of this new page refelcts the knowledge and expertise I've gained. I'm excited to see my new website continue to grow and evolve.

Best Regards, Maia.

What to expect in the following weeks...